Monday, 12 October 2015

A knee operation with a twist....

I love a good blog and I love writing them, some people will remember my transformation blog that I did when a good friend of mine had a career change to a personal trainer and wanted a 'subject' to transform.... that subject being me, not long after giving birth to Adam. 

It was an amazing journey and I know the blog had a massive impact on people (which makes me so happy). Esther's business is thriving, my friend Vicki quit her teaching job and started work in fitness too and there are a lot of mummy's out there who are fit and healthy as a result.   

Since that blog I returned to work and never had time to write. I wanted to but there is no way I could fit it in..... but now... now I am being forced to lay up to recover from an operation (more on that in a min) so I thought, what better way to fill the boredom than get writing again... so here we are... 

Most people who know me, know that I am very much open book. I don't hide much (sometimes much to my husbands dismay). What!? Sharing's caring isn't it.... I love social media, mainly Facebook and Instagram ( I imagine my children looking back over Instagram when I'm no longer here and seeing how much I love them (and clouds) and how slightly crazy their mother was). 

However, on this one occasion I didn't share (at first) and I started to think about the reasons why and again this was a reason I wanted to write again...

So here is what has happened this week and the 'operation' that I've had.. (no it wasn't my knee contrary to popular belief).

I've had (and I am copying this from my discharge notes).. 

Hysteroscopy & endometrial biopsy, vaginal (*shudder*, hate that word) hysterectomy & pelvic floor repair.... quite a list.. 

I will go into more details in another post about how this came about as that is another story in itself, but the reason people didn't know (including some close friends) is because I was embarrassed and actually felt like this was something people would judge me about... I know, crazy right. And that's why I want to write about my experience and tell you (if you want to know) about what happened and what led to this massive op. 

Like cancer (and I am no way comparing my experience to that horrid disease) and other scary/embarrassing/personal problems, we need to start speaking up about things and not hiding from them. Well, we don't need to, but I think it helps. Sharing is caring, honest...

I'm a women, I have lady bits (don't want to keep using the 'v' word, just because its a rubbish word for such an amazing piece of kit, why wasn't it called a papaya or another word that was nice to say) and things happen (in my case as a result of producing two beautiful children) and we shouldn't hide our experiences. I bet you, a lot of women out there are having similar problems to what I've had but just won't speak up or go to the doctors.. Well tune in to the next post and I'll share all... 

Oh and I promise this blog wont just be about papaya's.. I've got a whole load of waffle to unleash on you about lots of different things.... come on, it's me... #nevershutsup 

Big hugs



  1. Hiya you are such a natural writer! Sending you and your papaya the very best get well wishes. Miss you on a Monday afternoon xx

  2. Aww wow that is a compliment coming from the blog queen, thank you so much and for the well wishes too ;) Missing you too! Jenny and I are keeping the gang together.. just about... Spotted a picture of Tara the other day on fb and she looks so much older already! Time is flying! xxx

    1. Ha to the Blog Queen! T is suddenly much older, you are right - She knows it all! Hope I is happy. Say hi to Fran from us when you are back to JJ. Looking forward to the next instalment x ps you may get more comments if you include a Name/Url option as a lot of people don't have goggle accounts etc x

  3. Aww will do. Adam went with Lynsey (childminder) today so he is having jingling fun without me still :)
    And thanks for the tip - just changed it :) Speak soon xx
