So although the title of this post is 'Is this year over year', that really winds me up.... why do we think that at midnight on December 31st that all the crap of the previous year will just stop!? As if our health and problems think, 'Oh, wait a minute, it's now 2016, lets give her a break....' I guess it's just something for us to cling on to in the hope that it will get better.....but then, being British, we start moaning four days into January (when the hangover has finally gone) when the same problems are still sat there, laughing at us for thinking things would change because the year has.
Anyway, so the health thing... I kid you not now.... I have been in pain every single day since 7th January 2015. Not all the same pain, well, my knee has been the one constant (so I do understand why a lot of people thought I was having a knee op). I have had one day, when nothing on my body hurt me, which was 10 September. It lasted for one day, in fact, I think it was only 4 hours in total.
7th January - I do something to my knee while doing Les Mills Grit - Plyo. I then do a really blokey thing and carry on working out. That includes, more Grit Plyo, Bodypump, Grit Cardio, running, basically all the sort of things that will make a knee injury worse... I know, I'm a dick.

March some time (still working out with my dodgy knee), I keep getting some crazy stomach swellings (the picture to the right isn't me sticking my tummy out, it was ROCK hard like that all the time) which then starts a number of tests... blood tests, scans, and eventually a camera up the papaya's neighbour, nice!
You would have assumed at this point that one of the blood tests they carried out would have tested my blood count.... but no...that would be too simple..
So now I'm at the point where I am getting ridiculously out of breath walking up stairs, chronically tired from the moment I open my eyes (I felt all day like my eyes had only just opened, you know, that bog eye type feeling), when I take my make up off, I look like Casper the friendly ghost on smack. I have massive black patches under my eyes and I'm deathly pale, I just feel like I'm falling apart and can't understand it, especially when I have had so many tests recently.
Being a mum of two pre school children and holding down a job, the time period between Feb - Aug was the hardest part of this year. To this day now I have no idea how carried on with my day to day life feeling the way I did.
Jump to May, and the mouth ulcers. If you're friends with me on Facebook you will remember mouth ulcer-gate. Nearly 3 weeks of the most painful mouth ulcers ever, all over my tongue and gums. Nothing, and I mean, nothing, would ease the pain. I used to get temporary relief from Orajel but apart from that nothing helped.
I kept googling mouth ulcers and the NHS website said 'Most mouth ulcers will clear up by themselves within a week or two. You only need to see your GP or dentist if the ulcer gets worse or lasts longer than three weeks, or if you develop ulcers regularly.'
So I didn't go to the doctor until week 3, where she did my bloods again.
Friday before we went on our first family holiday abroad, I get a call from the doctors, 'Hi Kirsty, can you come down to the surgery within the hour to see the doctor'. In my 'non dramatic' way I think, this is it, I'm a goner!

The doctor wanted to get me in for a blood transfusion but I begged not to because I was going on holiday two days later and promised that I would instead take the iron tablets and eat iron rich food while sunning myself in Spain. She agreed, phew.
The next step was working out why I was so anemic because I eat iron rich foods all the time and have a well balanced diet.
After a couple of months of taking the iron and my levels going up, then back down again, then up and crashing down again, everything pointed to the really heavy periods that I had now got used to living with.

So then begins the pills and potions to try and ease the monthly nightmare. The doctor gave me Norethisterone to take if I needed to delay my periods for times I was going to London for work, or had a social event. Not fixing the problem as such, but controlling it.
I then got to the point where I was feeling exhausted two weeks before mother nature showed up and felt the same the week when she was in residence. That meant I only had one week of the month when I felt ok and had energy. So the doctor signed me off work for a month to try and get this under control and changed the Norethisterone dose to take 3 tablets a day from day 15 - 26 of my cycle.
Anybody that knows me know that me and hormones don't get on. I can't take the pill because I've had a blot clot in the past and I am hypersensitive to hormones and any side effects associated with the pill, I get. So now, I was looking like a hormonal teenager with shockingly bad skin and my periods were coming every 20 days and only slightly lighter so still not solving the problem.... arghhhh!
In the meantime my papaya fixing appointment was getting closer and I had my appointment for the pre-op with the nurse. When I get in she sits me down and said 'So Kirsty, we have you in for a prolapse/pelvic floor fix and a papaya hysterectomy'... I was like, erm, NO, prolapse fix yes, but hysterectomy, NO..... and then I thought, ahaaa.... this could be the answer...... The nurse reassures me nothing will be done without my consent and that the consultant will go through everything on the morning of the op... So off I skip home.... to google 'vaginal hysterectomy'.....
Which then leads me to papaya surgery day....
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