There I've said it.
I think (most) of you all love Facebook too, but a lot of the time we
won't admit it.
We joke about it, slate it, occasionally have the odd Facebook suicide
(yeah, as if that is actually going to last), scoff about people being a
certain type of 'Facebook user', the list goes on. I love it for all those

And don't get me started on people that are your friends on Facebook and
ignore you if you see them in real life walking down the street!? WHAT THE
ACTUAL EFF! #delete
But the reason I do love Facebook is because of all the wacky crazy
different types. Wouldn't it be boring if we all used it the same way!? What
makes Facebook so good are the people it's made up of.
Here are a few of the types I definitely have within my friends on
Facebook and again, I'm not saying these are wrong, they all go towards making
my Facebook feed as much fun as it is:
The lurker - Oh my, I do love these. I had utmost respect for them. I know
who my lurkers are and often wonder how they can be so stealth like. That's
because they are the exact opposite to me. I have a twitchy 'like' finger...
lurkers resist that button, how!?
One of my favourite lurkers, who shall remain nameless, does press the
like button every now and then, but only when it’s really 'like' worthy and
when that happens, I won't lie, I do an internal whoop.
The TMIer - Yes, this is rich coming from someone who has a blog out about
her papaya... But I'm talking about the people who live their full life through
status updates, about their boyfriend splits, divorces, falling out with
people... nothing is sacred. It's better than reading a celebrity gossip
magazine. I find myself actually looking at these people's profiles to get
updates. It's like OK magazine, but with people you know. What's not to love!?

I always feel for them because a lot of the time you can relate to what
they are going through and it’s always good to post a supportive smiley kiss
face or some words to let them know you’re thinking of them. It only takes
a second and may help someone feel better.
The town crier - oh don't we all do this? I fit into this category for sure. A
celebrity dies and all of a sudden it's a race to spread the news (come on,
admit it, I am) and we get all 'RIP Michael Jackson' like we knew them, or they
can read it. So funny, but not, because someone is dead, but funny that we all
do this.
The fisherman/fisherwomen - Selfies....surprised it took so
long to get to these. It's the constant selfies posted to fish for compliments
that I'm talking about. If you're going out and look fit, hell yeah I'm going
to hit like and tell you you're a hottie. It's just the constant stream of
selfies, when you're pretty much in the same place/position/hairstyle. It
makes me cringe because I'm not like that as a person.
I'm probably just
jealous as I am yet to find 'my perfect selfie angle'.

Thankfully social media didn't exist when we
were donning those highly flammable bad boys and only my mother has a picture
of my fake England shell suit she bought me from Ashton market. Duck face’s are
out there forever. Stop it beautiful young girls, STOP!
The status thief - This has only happened to me a couple
of times, and I'll be honest, it really unnerves me. And I don't mean the
people that share your status or something you've posted. It's someone who
pretty much copies your status word for word... it's a bit single white female
for me.
The 'oh my god my life is perfect' - Almost as bad as the status
thief, because you know it's not true. Nobody's life is 100% perfect 100% of
the time. We all have something to deal with, especially now we are adults. Our
partners/friends/children drive us crazy in at some point. And I'm not asking
for them to turn into a Glass half empty or a TMIer, just dial down the 'my
life is perfect'. And if it is 100% perfect, I apologise and you carry on
spreading that message…
The sympathy -baiter - Who needs Sudoku when you have
cryptic updates. I love it. I have a little game with myself and try and guess
what it might be. More often than not someone will ask and it will come out in
the comments and then I can give myself 10 Scott Mills points if I get it
The ‘well done to the children not on
Facebook for a good parents evening’ – I love these, no honestly, I do. But
what I really want to read every now and then to make it a bit more
entertaining is ‘Fred’s parents evening was shocking. I was so embarrassed. Got
told he must do better, he doesn’t listen and just wants to play kiss tag with
the girls’. At the moment I feel like teachers must be spinning us all a line
because nearly all my friend’s children have glowing reports. Where are the
little mo fo’s causing chaos….. Oh wait, not had Isabelle’s parents evening yet….
Watch this space…
I have a few rules that I adhere by for my Facebook.
- Be happy - I'm quite a happy
person in real life (my husband once said that he thinks my head is full
of butterflies and bullshit and I can't argue with that - and bullshit as
in crap, not lies) and that (I think) is reflected in my Facebook
- I very rarely moan, unless
whatever I am moaning about is really doing my head in. Ulcers, trains
being late, bad service, being ill etc. There are lots of occasions when I
type out a status, read it back and end up deleting it. That in itself is
quite cathartic. It's a bit like the way I self-edit my blogs. I think 'do
people really need to know
- I don't slate other people
or talk about things that are going on in my life that are to do with
people around me.
- I always remember,
everything I write on the internet is in permanent ink and can't be
deleted. It may be deleted off your feed, but it’s still out there, in
- One day, my children may
read this, we are not at the stage where we know what happens with our
social media once we shuffle off this mortal coil. It may be at that time
that our children/family have control/inherit it and they can see all the
bullfeathers we have been sprouting on here, although granted, the
likelihood of them trawling through our Facebook accounts is unlikely.
- Finally, I always bear in
mind that Facebook isn’t real, it’s a snapshot of someone’s life and that
behind that Facebook profile, there may be things going on that you don’t know
about. In fact, I can almost guarantee it, be that a situation or how
someone is really feeling.
So there
you go, the world of Facebook according to Kirsty. I’d be interested to hear
what you think and if there are any other types that make you laugh/mad that I may
have missed off here.
Facebooking Facefookers :)